QR: Find yourself a Husband please

… and have some Kids so you stop DICKING AROUND like this with animals. Not one pet will replace a kid of your own and satiate your innate need for being a Mother. They are NOT your kid. They are NOT your sibling. They are PETS. Treat them as such, you bunch of confused children.

QR: Oligophrenia 😹

Never heard about this term before, but came across it by chance in the de comments section of a funny video one of my friends sent.

The commenter used the term “oligophrenic” to describe the retarded woman so I had to look it up since I didn’t know what it meant. The wiki page made me crack up! 😹

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QR: Evil Negros with Evil Plans

This old lady shows her frustration with these young black males using the streets as their performance venues by pointing at them and making monkey gestures: https://www.instagram.com/p/C40hXVSN3qh

So what? Well, some NIGGERS and other uninformed bipeds had the courage to publicly voice their anger and Evil intentions in regards to what they deem “acceptable punishment” without any regards for her being a Native to her own lands being overrun by niggers and other inferior negroid bipeds, without any regards for her advanced age, without any regards for her being a woman.

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QR: Fuck mytrip.com!

Fuck these scammers! They lure you in with supposedly super low costs and then try to fuck you with these crazy prices at almost the end of the buying process. GO FUCK YOURSELVES!

QR: Can I Groom You? Can I Fuck You?

One is the question the girl uses in this video, and the other the current RETARDED question a BETA MALE has to ask before fucking a feminazi useful idiot. The two questions sound exactly the same to me since they come from the same place of excess emotions combined with ignorance at the service of the global jewry.

She can add all the woke “consent this” and “consent that” mumbo-jumbo made up “studies” she wants in the description box, but I’ll still call BS on it.

One of two: she’s aware of today’s socio-political landscape and knowingly participates in this modern collective insanity. Or, she doesn’t know and is just ignorant. In either case, it’s WRONG.

I’ll concede though, of course there is a part of Truth in animal behaviour and how we can (and should) interact with them, but in today’s day and age you have to be careful what words you use to describe so that you don’t become another mouthpiece for the jewish globo-homo movement.

Back in the day a Woman would deal with animals (“como Dios manda”) without all the overly emotional BULLSHIT. Let’s go back to those days!


QR: Was Justice Served by Lynching Leo Frank?

I’m inclined to think YES! I came across his name in the comments section under a video I can’t remember now where they were talking about jewish pedo and other rapist behaviours, namely about the alleged raping to death of Heather O’Rourke by steven spielberg and his producer while on set. After some superficial digging … Read more

QR: If genitals don’t define gender…

“If genitals don’t define gender then how does removing them affirm it?” Good question, but those woketards don’t have an answer. Video: https://www.instagram.com/p/C1XEScPuH71/