QR: You Will Eat the Bugs, Live in the Pods, Own Nothing, and Be HAPPY

…and they’ll make you kiss their feet as thanks!

Yes, that’s the dystopia that’s slowly becoming reality. They’ll piss on you, convincing beforehand it’s good for you.

Don’t believe me? Look how they conviced people into mutilating their children (transnazism), separated Man and Woman (feminazism), separated the population by classes (evil marxism), etc.

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QR: Woke Mob Going After Decent Man Vassilis Tsiartas

The woke cunts are trying to establish themselves in Greece by attacking the very cultural roots of the Hellenic Republic. They felt called out by a tweet of the footballer dating back to 2017 and decided to make an example out of him, but instead created a martyr.

Fuck the faggot woke mob attacking the greek culture! Bunch of pedo cunts.

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QR: A Warning to Women

Get your shyet straight. Feminazism is lying to you. They promised you’d get everything you wanted, that you’d get the job, the pay, the man and the family. THEY LIED.

“Good” Men don’t want an old dried-up career-oriented masculine woman. We don’t want women like that.

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QR: Slack Jumping on the Mental Disorder Normalization Bandwagon

There is this harmful trend going on in the West, part of the Godless globo-homo degeneracy, which is about normalizing mental breakdowns. In the beginning it was just some of the biggest key companies of the West who mainly pushed for the implementation and normalization of the neo-marxist tenets, but soon enough every other company is trying to jump on the bandwagon to score some virtue signaling points.

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