QR: Evil Negros with Evil Plans

This old lady shows her frustration with these young black males using the streets as their performance venues by pointing at them and making monkey gestures: https://www.instagram.com/p/C40hXVSN3qh

So what? Well, some NIGGERS and other uninformed bipeds had the courage to publicly voice their anger and Evil intentions in regards to what they deem “acceptable punishment” without any regards for her being a Native to her own lands being overrun by niggers and other inferior negroid bipeds, without any regards for her advanced age, without any regards for her being a woman.

Famous quote by one of the niggers:

But if someone threw a brick at her head they’d say it’s unreasonable.


I tried replying but instagram, being one of the main social media tools of the international Evil jewry that it is, already has me blacklisted and won’t let me comment on posts where these kind of conversation go on. Effectively only allowing the voices of Evil to be heard and advanced to the point of normalization.

I wanted to reply this: “@yeerusguy By the same logic don’t cry when you and your kind get bricked in the head after doing anything that others would also deem enough to brick you.
Social media made y’all way to comfortable announcing your Evil intentions.”

At this point, to undo this mass immigration and attacks from within thanks to the jews, will require rivers of blood to be shed. Unfortunately we’re way past the point of this to be solved on good terms. You’ve got the filthy Evil jews to thank for that.

And while Aryans and other races murder eachother the jews will have a blast and laughing at them. They’ll continue raping your children, women, history, culture, lands… until your Nation is totally destroyed.

When the ship (country) they used starts sinking they’ll jump ship and move on to the next. It’s their filthy Evil nature.

It comes down to who destroys who first.


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